Sunday, March 16, 2025

Regarding Editing for the Film Opening!

  Hey blog!

I am so glad to announce that the film opening is finally done! Juliana and I have been editing all of this week. Little by little everyday. I mean, I was mainly the one who edited so she could focus on making the foley sounds and other audios, but this was a group effort! Let me show you my recorded editing journey throughout the week. 


So, on Tuesday, Juliana retaught me how to use adobe because it has been so long!
 Yes, this was in class. The grind never stops!
She laid down the ropes so I could continue from there, and I did!


This day I just was editing as I usually do! Nothing special.


 This day, things took a turn for the worst...
Two days worth of editing went down the drain.
Here is a photo of me after this amazing discovery!
Is this an embarrassing photo to show Cambridge?
Does it show my dedication to my craft and how serious I took this?
I'm going to look back at this and laugh one day...hopefully.
Do not fear! Somehow my Mom literally helped me get it back!


Sorry for the time jump, but this was the day that Juliana and I met at our local Starbucks and completed the project!
(Yes, I got a strawberry acai.)
After we finished it at Starbucks, I did some final touches at home.
This is me about to finally export the video!
You have no idea how relieved I am!

Well blog, this door closes and opens another; CCR's!
See ya blogg!

Friday, March 14, 2025

My For-Now Script for CCR Question 3!

  Hey Blog!

Long time no see? Don't worry, this should be a short blog post regarding CCR number 3!

In case you forgot, the question for CCR number three is "How did your production skills develop throughout this project?" This question is short and sweet. It is asking my personal take throughout the whole process of my portfolio project. Let's get into some of it now. In short, the beginning was a real struggle. I hated the whole idea of editing and making something. I know, I am lazy. But, now, I really enjoy making these posts and editing. Don't tell anyone..! In all seriousness, making the film made me feel like I was an actual filmmaker. Getting the camera and the lights in the right position was a really cool thing. Yes, that sounds super geeky, but it's true! My production skills have gotten so much better regarding editing and executing different camera shots and angles. Anyways, let's get into the script!  

This video takes place at an award ceremony, which I hint at in my first video for questions 1 and 2. 

The whole script is the beginning of my acceptance speech after I win the award. Pretty cool, right?! 
Further adjustments will most definitely be made with all of my scripts because, as you know, my thought processes are rapidly changing and improving!

Isn't it crazy that this is almost the end of our blog journey for aice media as level?? Yes, I am hinting at something.😙

I am looking forward to our next post! Bye blog!!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Some Research and My For-Now Script for CCR #2!

  Hey Blog!

Welcome back to CCR talk!

Today, we will be discussing CCR number 2. In case you forgot the question, it is "How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?" Well, I have my script. But first, let's research.

The question is essentially asking my target audience and how I would originally release my film being a small filmmaker. Well, in recent blog posts, we have reviewed that vampire films target women. Specifically young adults. Why? Studies show that females are attracted to the mysterious and dangerous persona of the vampire. However in my film, the vampire is female. This factor creates room for a much larger audience including both men AND women. Now, onto how I would distribute it. Well, in class we have discussed that we are essentially a very, very low budget production. So, we would showcase our films at events like film festivals and getting on YouTube, with a contract of course. I would all of that include that in my video with highlights of my personality! Let's see the For-Now script!

As you can see, question 2 is included in the video inspired from 73 Questions With Vogue. It is me being interviewed and asked questions that seem organic. 

That's it for now blog.

Catch you later!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Second Group Meeting!

  Hey Blog!

Long time no see!

Today, we just had our second group meeting, and I have received so much positive feedback regarding my film opening! Although I was only able to show certain clips, my group members thought my film was very well thought out. We all went around the table showing some footage from our film opening, and, wow, I was so impressed. My classmates are so creative and I am genuinely excited to see how their projects go! Anyways, after sharing all of our films, we started to discuss CCR's. Let me tell you, I am feeling much more excited now. We all went over our potential ideas for the CCR's and how we plan to approach the questions. After that discussion, my original plans for my CCR's have now changed! Sorry for using the word CCR so much.😅

My original inspiration was 73 questions with Vogue, and I plan to stick with that. However, I am going t put my own twist on it. I will be interviewed by a fan of my "many famous films." In the interview, I will just be seemingly on a morning run, so it will look more organic! For my other type of media, I was going to do a PowerPoint. But, I decided to not be so "blah" and do another video. My other media will be me at an award show accepting a trophy. In my acceptance speech, I will answer the CCR questions. Pretty genius, right?

I'll be back with more CCR discussions very soon!

Until then, blog.


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Shooting Process!

  Hey blog!!

I'm so excited to announce the wrap of the shooting for our film!

Here's some behind-the-scenes for you!

Here is a picture of me and my fellow actor, Jordan! We are preparing for the next scene as you can see the script in my hand.
This is just a funny picture of me in my SFX makeup at the park!
This is Jordan just hanging around!😹

Here is a before and after of me with the SFX makeup!

Crazy, right?👻
Now here is some footage of me applying the SFX makeup. BTW, it took me almost 2 hours to apply!

Now, let's address a MAJOR issue. So, the footage Juliana and I have collected was...too brief. However, when we finish editing it, we will decide if we need to add more scenes or not. Do not fear, we will always have a solution!
Toodles, blog!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Research for CCR #4

  Hey blog!

I'm back here to address the fourth CCR question! Sorry, I know it's out of order!

The question is..."How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

Well, this answer is easy, so let's discuss!

As you can see in this image, Juliana, who filmed the film, utilizes a handy light to add to the film. The light also came with cool filters to modify what color of light was displayed. For instance, in the nighttime scenes, we used a blue toned filter! Next, of course, to film, we used just a phone to capture the footage along with a tripod. Using the phone to film made the experience much more simpler. The tiny accessible technology does the same thing a professional camera can do!

Moving on, we will be using Adobe Premiere to edit our film!  

So, overall, we did not utilize a ton of technologies, but we used what we needed in order to produce our vision for the film.

Catch you later, blog!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Research for CCR #1!

  Hey blog!

It is finally time to get into the CCR's! 

Today, we will be discussing question #1; How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

In order to properly answer the important question, let's analyze what is is really asking. Overall, it wants me to discuss my film and how it blends/clashes with my genre and what problem it addresses. Time to do some digging!

For part one of the question, let's talk about horror conventions.

In this image, we can see how horror varies as one genre. My film is under the "monster" category. But what is typically found in this type of film? Many films like mine are set in a gloomy location, typically isolated, and shown in dark colors and tones. Also, the music, sound effects, and lighting add to the intensity of a scene. All of these factors and conventions align with my film opening perfectly. However, it is typically found that the main antagonist, aka the monster, is masculine. Juliana and I definitely challenged that convention!

Moving on to the next and final part of the question, what group or issue does my film represent?

This is a great question because it is not common for a woman to be displayed as a danger to society. My film represents the societal issue of constantly overlooking women, and demonstrating how women can be both the perpetrators and victims in situations such as horror films.

This is a very powerful peace of text as it refers to the message a "vulnerable" woman displays. 

My film defies this stereotype by introducing a female monster that, actually, targets men as her main victim. Oh, how the tables have turned.

Well, blog, it's been real. Peace!☮


 Research For Horror Conventions: (2023, May 8). The codes and conventions of horror films. Media Studies.

 Image of Genres: Hellerman, J. (2024, January 12). Defining the horror genre in movies and TV. No Film School.

 Image of Addressing Stereotypes: Meier-Klodt, K. (2021, February 28). Stop vilifying strong women in media | Female Empowerment — Heroica Women. Heroica Website.

Regarding Editing for the Film Opening!

  Hey blog! I am so glad to announce that the film opening is finally done! Juliana and I have been editing all of this week. Little by litt...