Sunday, March 9, 2025

Shooting Process!

  Hey blog!!

I'm so excited to announce the wrap of the shooting for our film!

Here's some behind-the-scenes for you!

Here is a picture of me and my fellow actor, Jordan! We are preparing for the next scene as you can see the script in my hand.
This is just a funny picture of me in my SFX makeup at the park!
This is Jordan just hanging around!😹

Here is a before and after of me with the SFX makeup!

Crazy, right?👻
Now here is some footage of me applying the SFX makeup. BTW, it took me almost 2 hours to apply!

Now, let's address a MAJOR issue. So, the footage Juliana and I have collected was...too brief. However, when we finish editing it, we will decide if we need to add more scenes or not. Do not fear, we will always have a solution!
Toodles, blog!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Research for CCR #4

  Hey blog!

I'm back here to address the fourth CCR question! Sorry, I know it's out of order!

The question is..."How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

Well, this answer is easy, so let's discuss!

As you can see in this image, Juliana, who filmed the film, utilizes a handy light to add to the film. The light also came with cool filters to modify what color of light was displayed. For instance, in the nighttime scenes, we used a blue toned filter! Next, of course, to film, we used just a phone to capture the footage along with a tripod. Using the phone to film made the experience much more simpler. The tiny accessible technology does the same thing a professional camera can do!

Moving on, we will be using Adobe Premiere to edit our film!  

So, overall, we did not utilize a ton of technologies, but we used what we needed in order to produce our vision for the film.

Catch you later, blog!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Research for CCR #1!

  Hey blog!

It is finally time to get into the CCR's! 

Today, we will be discussing question #1; How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

In order to properly answer the important question, let's analyze what is is really asking. Overall, it wants me to discuss my film and how it blends/clashes with my genre and what problem it addresses. Time to do some digging!

For part one of the question, let's talk about horror conventions.

In this image, we can see how horror varies as one genre. My film is under the "monster" category. But what is typically found in this type of film? Many films like mine are set in a gloomy location, typically isolated, and shown in dark colors and tones. Also, the music, sound effects, and lighting add to the intensity of a scene. All of these factors and conventions align with my film opening perfectly. However, it is typically found that the main antagonist, aka the monster, is masculine. Juliana and I definitely challenged that convention!

Moving on to the next and final part of the question, what group or issue does my film represent?

This is a great question because it is not common for a woman to be displayed as a danger to society. My film represents the societal issue of constantly overlooking women, and demonstrating how women can be both the perpetrators and victims in situations such as horror films.

This is a very powerful peace of text as it refers to the message a "vulnerable" woman displays. 

My film defies this stereotype by introducing a female monster that, actually, targets men as her main victim. Oh, how the tables have turned.

Well, blog, it's been real. Peace!☮


 Research For Horror Conventions: (2023, May 8). The codes and conventions of horror films. Media Studies.

 Image of Genres: Hellerman, J. (2024, January 12). Defining the horror genre in movies and TV. No Film School.

 Image of Addressing Stereotypes: Meier-Klodt, K. (2021, February 28). Stop vilifying strong women in media | Female Empowerment — Heroica Women. Heroica Website.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Onto The Next!

  Hey blog!

In addition to the film opening and these postings, we now have to work on ANOTHER project! Yay..!

This other part of the portfolio is called CCR's✨ 

What does CCR stand for? CCR means Creative Critical Reflection, and in this reflection, we have to create two types of media answering 4 questions. We will get into the questions in future posts...

I am planning to answer these questions in a video and a presentation. The presentation will be answering questions 1 and 2, while the video will be answering questions 3 and 4. Let's get into it!

The Video.

My video will be in the style of 73 questions vogue
So, why did I choose this particular example of media? Well, I have always enjoyed when celebrities show themselves being vulnerable instead of their persona on stage. These videos always seem so much more interactive rather than a simple sit-down interview. The constant change of scenery is refreshing to see when the video is dedicated to a simple conversation. This factor keeps viewers engaged rather than just looking at a "talking head" for 20 minutes. What makes this even more interesting is that it is all filmed in a single shot, which makes the conversation happening look much more organic and real. You cannot tell me that you don't feel more connected to the person when watching these videos! This style of media will be a great way to portray my CCR's because it holds opportunity for much more than a simple interview. I can showcase much more of my personality while answering the questions formally. Not to mention, keeping the viewer interested.

The Presentation.

There is not much explanation to it. It's a PowerPoint. Why did I choose to do a presentation? Honestly, I do not trust myself to answer, probably, the most important questions in the CCR portion of the portfolio on camera. What I mean by that is, me and a big script in front of a camera do NOT mix. The first two questions of the CCR's are so detrimental to this portion of the exam and I do not want to take any chances sabotaging that. But now I face an even greater challenge. How do I not bore the viewer with a presentation? I have got some solutions. To keep someone interested in reading slides, it needs to be interesting. I plan on keeping the text on each slide as concise as possible, and integrating many images and videos. I'll even put pops of color to keep the audience interested! I feel totally comfortable working with PowerPoint, so I have confidence in demonstrating portions of my CCR's on this!

I am feeling a ton of emotions about these CCR's. I am scared, nervous, excited, and much more. 
We'll have to wait and see what journey these CCR's will take me down!
Farewell, blog!

 73 Questions with Vogue linkNast, C. (n.d.). 73 questions. Vogue.
 Adele with 73 Questions with Vogue- YouTube. (n.d.).
 PowerPoint imageWrittenhouse, S. (2023, January 20). Save time in Microsoft PowerPoint by making your own theme. How-To Geek.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Just My Luck!

  Hey blog!

Juliana and I have run into another issue.

Our initial actor to play the role of Benji has flaked. More specifically, our original Benji can no longer be a part of our film. Juliana and I are panicking because we had already placed the order for his costume, and have practiced with the script. We do not know who else will be willing to play our Benji, so this will be tough. The thing that really hurts about this is that he can actually act. I acquired him through the drama club at my high school so we could have someone with experience. Now, I don't know anyone that would be willing to do this project. Let alone actually put effort into the scenes with acting.

How am I approaching this problem?

For now, I am planning to talk to a couple other guys I know and seeing if they would be interested in doing it. I am even willing to pay them...ANY amount! Okay, not ANY amount, but a good one! I am honestly scared our new Benji will not be able to properly deliver Juliana and I's vision for the film. So, I'll update you guys if any more changes occur. 

Cheerio, blog.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Technical Difficulties..!

      Hey blog!

So, it seems I have ran into a tiny issue regarding production. 

For my opening, act II requires SFX makeup. I though it would be no problem to apply it and make it look good, but I was seriously mistaken...

My liquid latex arrived today, along with the fake blood, so, of course, I applied it. When I first opened the bottle of latex, my eyes started to water. Tell me why it smells absolutely vile! I literally started to cry on the spot! However, I still applied it to my face. The latex made my skin itch and nose run, but no problems yet. I hadn't looked at a tutorial, so I was going into this process with no guidance. It didn't turn out bad, but definitely not good. So, after looking up some tutorials, I made my look better. Let's check it out!

This is not my finished product by the way! It was simply a test run. For the actual film, I will be putting fake slashes and scab-like wounds all over my face and neck. I was only making sure I was capable of doing it, LOL! 

Now onto the next dilemma.

I have taken off the makeup, and my face has a lingering tint on it. More specifically, a red tint.

I am not sure if my skin is reacting to the latex or if it is stained from the fake blood. Hopefully it goes away!

Well, that's all for now blog!

À la prochaine, blog.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Costume Creation!!

  Hey blog!

Today I am here to discuss the costumes for my film! As we have discussed, Veronica is the vampire and Benji is her first victim in the film. While we have discussed Benji and his characteristics, we haven't really talked about Veronica too much in depth. I'll try to keep it brief. In short, Veronica is a conniving, wicked vampire. Her character is mainly dressed in red with some elements of silver in our opening. Red, in our story represents danger and evil. Contrasting from red, the color silver represents femininity. These two colors have very separate meanings, however they balance perfectly with Veronica. Did you know the name Veronica means "true image." It's pretty ironic because our Veronica is not sincere at all!

Finally, let's get into the costumes.

Veronica. 💋❤

 This is a collage of Veronica's outfit in the film opening. As you can see, the elements of red and silver are present. Juliana and I had many discussions about how we wanted to portray her personality through her clothes, and this is what we have agreed on. The red is not a vibrant one because it conveys a different meaning. Bright, vibrant red creates a more energetic and aggressive tone while dark red holds a more mysterious sensual aura to it. Now onto the silver. We have already discussed the meaning of it; feminine energy. Veronica has little details of silver on her outfit in order to still associate her as a woman, but it still holds some sort of enigma about it.

Veronica Pt.II. 🧛

Now, onto the second act of the film opening. When Veronica transforms into her true form, there must be some obvious changes to her look. So, Juliana and I are adding fangs, fake blood, and liquid latex to her face and parts of her body to make her look as horrifying as possible. The main point of a horror film is to scare viewers. How do they get scared? Aside from the loud stings, the genuinely disturbing visuals add to the audience's fear. All of these items will be used for the following: The liquid latex will be used to make her distorted face; the fake blood will clearly be used to add blood to her look; and the fangs will be worn to show she is truly a vampire. These small changes will drastically change the narrative.

Benji. 💸👀

As we have discussed previously reviewed, Benji is a cocky persona who is secretly a fraud. He wishes to look "cool" while he is actually a loser. Juliana and I wanted him to look as he acts, but his true colors will show in the film. The theme of light colors adds to his innocence in the story. After all, he is the victim in the opening. The addition of the cigarettes, watch and chain all contribute to the fact that he is of the upper-class. Benji wants to win over Veronica, who he thinks is just an average girl, with his cockiness. In reality, the attempt fails miserably. 

I am both anxious and excited to start filming next weekend. I get a rush of adrenaline when I think of shooting my very own movie. It has been a fantasy of mine since primary school. It is even cooler that I get to act in my very own film. Oops, was that a spoiler? I guess the secret is out now; I am acting as Veronica in the opening! Juliana will serve as the director on set. I cannot wait!

A presto, blog! 

Yes, I am saying goodbye in different languages now. 😇

 Red (n.d.).

 Fake (n.d.-b).

 Fake (n.d.-c).

 Fake (n.d.-d).

 Silver RepresentationLyon, A. (2023, February 15). COLOUR PSYCHOLOGY: THE PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND GOLD, SILVER AND BRONZE IN PACKAGING DESIGN | Signet. Signet.,adds%20a%20touch%20of%20sophistication.

 Red RepresentationSymbolism in color: red – NCMALEarn. (n.d.).

 Veronica MeaningVeronica - Meaning and origin of the name Veronica | (n.d.). Baby Names. 

Shooting Process!

  Hey blog!! I'm so excited to announce the wrap of the shooting for our film! Here's some behind-the-scenes for you! Here is a pict...