Hey blog!
Today the topic of discussion is character development! What is "character development?" Well, it basically introduces a character's personality throughout a film, a book, etc! What I mean is what an audience's perspective of a character is and how it may change. Time to dig a little deeper...
I want to focus on one of my character's in my film opening, Benji(AKA Benjamin). If you read my script, you would pick up on the fact that he is a cocky, stuck-up man. But, why did I make him this way? I wanted to contradict the stereotype of women being deceived. So, I made Benji easily swayed. Why did I pick the name Benji, you may ask? Uhm, I don't really know. It was the first name that popped into my mind. I just knew that I took inspiration from a character from the Netflix show You. The character I based it on is, ironically, named Benji. In the show, he is a rich conceited man. Eventually, you see his desperation for approval, and that he is a failure. This is a great example of character development. This is exactly what I wish to portray in my opening.
What is my vision for Benji? I have created a mood board on Canva to sort-of show him through select images and colors!
As you can see, there are a lot of neutral colors. I put these intentionally to really get across that he is a neutral, innocent character. I also included a ton of images of "luxury" items to get across that he is a rich conceited man.Overall, I hope to showcase his sudden change of character in my film opening.
Bye, blog!
Character Development Definition: Intelliminds. (2024, July 2). What is Character Development: A Simple Guide. Greenlight Coverage. https://glcoverage.com/2024/07/02/character-development/
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