Monday, February 10, 2025

What Is The End Goal??!

  Hey blog! Long time no see!

I can finally tell you my idea for my film opening. You already know it's about vampires, but what is my whole idea? Well, lets see.🦇

My film opening is based on the whole idea of this female vampire luring in a man for her kill. Of course, it's the stereotypical vampire kills human idea, but it goes even deeper. It is revealed that she needs to drink blood in order to stay "beautiful." This is what is going to make or break my whole film idea. If i cannot nail the ugly deformed look of the vampire, this whole operation goes out of the window! So, my partner and I have a ton of weight on our shoulders. However, we can meet this expectation by doing tons of research on how to apply the makeup properly.

This is a great example of special effects makeup. This is kind of what I want the vampire to look like when she is "ugly." Yes, it is very advanced, but if I could get the rippled skin effect, my idea would come to life!

 Another challenge is the how she turns back to beautiful. I have created this very complicated idea of the vampire with blood all over her face, then she wipes it away and is revealed to be beautiful again. If I am being honest, I'm not very sure if I can execute this like how I envision it in my mind. Worst scenario, she just comes back on frame beautiful. Not a big deal, but I am so committed to my idea. Hopefully, my partner and I will be able to get this across to the audience successfully. 

So, now the secret is out! 

Any thoughts? Ideas? Critiques?😅

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Second Group Meeting!

  Hey Blog! Long time no see! Today, we just had our second group meeting, and I have received so much positive feedback regarding my film o...