Hey blog!
In addition to the film opening and these postings, we now have to work on ANOTHER project! Yay..!
This other part of the portfolio is called ✨CCR's✨
What does CCR stand for? CCR means Creative Critical Reflection, and in this reflection, we have to create two types of media answering 4 questions. We will get into the questions in future posts...
I am planning to answer these questions in a video and a presentation. The presentation will be answering questions 1 and 2, while the video will be answering questions 3 and 4. Let's get into it!
The Video.
My video will be in the style of 73 questions vogue. So, why did I choose this particular example of media? Well, I have always enjoyed when celebrities show themselves being vulnerable instead of their persona on stage. These videos always seem so much more interactive rather than a simple sit-down interview. The constant change of scenery is refreshing to see when the video is dedicated to a simple conversation. This factor keeps viewers engaged rather than just looking at a "talking head" for 20 minutes. What makes this even more interesting is that it is all filmed in a single shot, which makes the conversation happening look much more organic and real. You cannot tell me that you don't feel more connected to the person when watching these videos! This style of media will be a great way to portray my CCR's because it holds opportunity for much more than a simple interview. I can showcase much more of my personality while answering the questions formally. Not to mention, keeping the viewer interested.
The Presentation.
There is not much explanation to it. It's a PowerPoint. Why did I choose to do a presentation? Honestly, I do not trust myself to answer, probably, the most important questions in the CCR portion of the portfolio on camera. What I mean by that is, me and a big script in front of a camera do NOT mix. The first two questions of the CCR's are so detrimental to this portion of the exam and I do not want to take any chances sabotaging that. But now I face an even greater challenge. How do I not bore the viewer with a presentation? I have got some solutions. To keep someone interested in reading slides, it needs to be interesting. I plan on keeping the text on each slide as concise as possible, and integrating many images and videos. I'll even put pops of color to keep the audience interested! I feel totally comfortable working with PowerPoint, so I have confidence in demonstrating portions of my CCR's on this!
I am feeling a ton of emotions about these CCR's. I am scared, nervous, excited, and much more.
We'll have to wait and see what journey these CCR's will take me down!
Farewell, blog!
73 Questions with Vogue link: Nast, C. (n.d.). 73 questions. Vogue. https://www.vogue.com/video/series/73-questions
Adele with 73 Questions with Vogue: - YouTube. (n.d.). https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D544DTGHIBM0&psig=AOvVaw1rfI_PQ57XrHFL6M0Nedb3&ust=1741625384402000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCNjm6qW6_YsDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
PowerPoint image: Writtenhouse, S. (2023, January 20). Save time in Microsoft PowerPoint by making your own theme. How-To Geek. https://www.howtogeek.com/856809/save-time-in-microsoft-powerpoint-by-making-your-own-theme/
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