Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing Research Process

   This project is one of my favorites as the amount of freedom we get is basically unlimited. My group and I have successfully split up the presentation, and we have completed filming for the music video. For my part on the PowerPoint, I have taken on the researching of typical Hip Hop marketing and distribution. So, exploring different case studies and various websites will be a big part of the job. 

  When researching, I found that the Hip Hop genre holds more relatable content. With its roots tying back to the 60's Black Arts Movement, the main message of the songs is something mainly everyone can relate to; trying to survive. The usual marketing of the genre is TV, radio, and of course social media. However, not a lot of other genres focus on the radio. The radio is easily accessible to everyone, and smartly, there are many different broadcasts set up to only play that specific genre. Hip Hop is a great thing to be playing in the car as it has an appeal to a broad spectrum of emotions, but mainly has an uplifting tone. Overall, the marketing of this genre is unlike any other.

  The distribution of Hip Hop is not unique, however the early development of the genre was ahead of its time. The streaming service MTV was a big thing in the 80's that raised awareness of the genre. Along with that, cassette tapes were very popular as well. Most commonly seen in places such as New York, many cassette tapes of Hip Hop were sold. Everywhere you would look, there would be someone walking down the street with their headphones in vibing to their music. Today, like every other genre of music, online streaming services have dominated distribution in the music industry. Although Hip Hop isn't as unique in distribution anymore, the music is one of the top 5 most streamed worldwide.

  As the due date of the project draws closer, my group and I are not worried about submitting on time. We all have properly planned for the entirety of the assignment, now all that is left to do is put it down on paper. The music marketing project is very unique as the amount of planning and time that has and will be spent on it is hefty, but if we stick to the plan, our final submission will be great.

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