Friday, February 28, 2025

Costume Creation!!

  Hey blog!

Today I am here to discuss the costumes for my film! As we have discussed, Veronica is the vampire and Benji is her first victim in the film. While we have discussed Benji and his characteristics, we haven't really talked about Veronica too much in depth. I'll try to keep it brief. In short, Veronica is a conniving, wicked vampire. Her character is mainly dressed in red with some elements of silver in our opening. Red, in our story represents danger and evil. Contrasting from red, the color silver represents femininity. These two colors have very separate meanings, however they balance perfectly with Veronica. Did you know the name Veronica means "true image." It's pretty ironic because our Veronica is not sincere at all!

Finally, let's get into the costumes.

Veronica. πŸ’‹β€

 This is a collage of Veronica's outfit in the film opening. As you can see, the elements of red and silver are present. Juliana and I had many discussions about how we wanted to portray her personality through her clothes, and this is what we have agreed on. The red is not a vibrant one because it conveys a different meaning. Bright, vibrant red creates a more energetic and aggressive tone while dark red holds a more mysterious sensual aura to it. Now onto the silver. We have already discussed the meaning of it; feminine energy. Veronica has little details of silver on her outfit in order to still associate her as a woman, but it still holds some sort of enigma about it.

Veronica Pt.II. πŸ§›

Now, onto the second act of the film opening. When Veronica transforms into her true form, there must be some obvious changes to her look. So, Juliana and I are adding fangs, fake blood, and liquid latex to her face and parts of her body to make her look as horrifying as possible. The main point of a horror film is to scare viewers. How do they get scared? Aside from the loud stings, the genuinely disturbing visuals add to the audience's fear. All of these items will be used for the following: The liquid latex will be used to make her distorted face; the fake blood will clearly be used to add blood to her look; and the fangs will be worn to show she is truly a vampire. These small changes will drastically change the narrative.

Benji. πŸ’ΈπŸ‘€

As we have discussed previously reviewed, Benji is a cocky persona who is secretly a fraud. He wishes to look "cool" while he is actually a loser. Juliana and I wanted him to look as he acts, but his true colors will show in the film. The theme of light colors adds to his innocence in the story. After all, he is the victim in the opening. The addition of the cigarettes, watch and chain all contribute to the fact that he is of the upper-class. Benji wants to win over Veronica, who he thinks is just an average girl, with his cockiness. In reality, the attempt fails miserably. 

I am both anxious and excited to start filming next weekend. I get a rush of adrenaline when I think of shooting my very own movie. It has been a fantasy of mine since primary school. It is even cooler that I get to act in my very own film. Oops, was that a spoiler? I guess the secret is out now; I am acting as Veronica in the opening! Juliana will serve as the director on set. I cannot wait!

A presto, blog! 

Yes, I am saying goodbye in different languages now. πŸ˜‡

 Red (n.d.).

 Fake (n.d.-b).

 Fake (n.d.-c).

 Fake (n.d.-d).

 Silver RepresentationLyon, A. (2023, February 15). COLOUR PSYCHOLOGY: THE PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND GOLD, SILVER AND BRONZE IN PACKAGING DESIGN | Signet. Signet.,adds%20a%20touch%20of%20sophistication.

 Red RepresentationSymbolism in color: red – NCMALEarn. (n.d.).

 Veronica MeaningVeronica - Meaning and origin of the name Veronica | (n.d.). Baby Names. 

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