Saturday, March 1, 2025

Technical Difficulties..!

      Hey blog!

So, it seems I have ran into a tiny issue regarding production. 

For my opening, act II requires SFX makeup. I though it would be no problem to apply it and make it look good, but I was seriously mistaken...

My liquid latex arrived today, along with the fake blood, so, of course, I applied it. When I first opened the bottle of latex, my eyes started to water. Tell me why it smells absolutely vile! I literally started to cry on the spot! However, I still applied it to my face. The latex made my skin itch and nose run, but no problems yet. I hadn't looked at a tutorial, so I was going into this process with no guidance. It didn't turn out bad, but definitely not good. So, after looking up some tutorials, I made my look better. Let's check it out!

This is not my finished product by the way! It was simply a test run. For the actual film, I will be putting fake slashes and scab-like wounds all over my face and neck. I was only making sure I was capable of doing it, LOL! 

Now onto the next dilemma.

I have taken off the makeup, and my face has a lingering tint on it. More specifically, a red tint.

I am not sure if my skin is reacting to the latex or if it is stained from the fake blood. Hopefully it goes away!

Well, that's all for now blog!

À la prochaine, blog.

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