Friday, February 28, 2025

Costume Creation!!

  Hey blog!

Today I am here to discuss the costumes for my film! As we have discussed, Veronica is the vampire and Benji is her first victim in the film. While we have discussed Benji and his characteristics, we haven't really talked about Veronica too much in depth. I'll try to keep it brief. In short, Veronica is a conniving, wicked vampire. Her character is mainly dressed in red with some elements of silver in our opening. Red, in our story represents danger and evil. Contrasting from red, the color silver represents femininity. These two colors have very separate meanings, however they balance perfectly with Veronica. Did you know the name Veronica means "true image." It's pretty ironic because our Veronica is not sincere at all!

Finally, let's get into the costumes.

Veronica. πŸ’‹β€

 This is a collage of Veronica's outfit in the film opening. As you can see, the elements of red and silver are present. Juliana and I had many discussions about how we wanted to portray her personality through her clothes, and this is what we have agreed on. The red is not a vibrant one because it conveys a different meaning. Bright, vibrant red creates a more energetic and aggressive tone while dark red holds a more mysterious sensual aura to it. Now onto the silver. We have already discussed the meaning of it; feminine energy. Veronica has little details of silver on her outfit in order to still associate her as a woman, but it still holds some sort of enigma about it.

Veronica Pt.II. πŸ§›

Now, onto the second act of the film opening. When Veronica transforms into her true form, there must be some obvious changes to her look. So, Juliana and I are adding fangs, fake blood, and liquid latex to her face and parts of her body to make her look as horrifying as possible. The main point of a horror film is to scare viewers. How do they get scared? Aside from the loud stings, the genuinely disturbing visuals add to the audience's fear. All of these items will be used for the following: The liquid latex will be used to make her distorted face; the fake blood will clearly be used to add blood to her look; and the fangs will be worn to show she is truly a vampire. These small changes will drastically change the narrative.

Benji. πŸ’ΈπŸ‘€

As we have discussed previously reviewed, Benji is a cocky persona who is secretly a fraud. He wishes to look "cool" while he is actually a loser. Juliana and I wanted him to look as he acts, but his true colors will show in the film. The theme of light colors adds to his innocence in the story. After all, he is the victim in the opening. The addition of the cigarettes, watch and chain all contribute to the fact that he is of the upper-class. Benji wants to win over Veronica, who he thinks is just an average girl, with his cockiness. In reality, the attempt fails miserably. 

I am both anxious and excited to start filming next weekend. I get a rush of adrenaline when I think of shooting my very own movie. It has been a fantasy of mine since primary school. It is even cooler that I get to act in my very own film. Oops, was that a spoiler? I guess the secret is out now; I am acting as Veronica in the opening! Juliana will serve as the director on set. I cannot wait!

A presto, blog! 

Yes, I am saying goodbye in different languages now. πŸ˜‡

 Red (n.d.).

 Fake (n.d.-b).

 Fake (n.d.-c).

 Fake (n.d.-d).

 Silver RepresentationLyon, A. (2023, February 15). COLOUR PSYCHOLOGY: THE PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND GOLD, SILVER AND BRONZE IN PACKAGING DESIGN | Signet. Signet.,adds%20a%20touch%20of%20sophistication.

 Red RepresentationSymbolism in color: red – NCMALEarn. (n.d.).

 Veronica MeaningVeronica - Meaning and origin of the name Veronica | (n.d.). Baby Names. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Possible Locations?

  Hey blog!

I am here to talk about possible filming locations for my film opening! Juliana and I have conversed since the very beginning about this particular component. The setting of our film opening isn't super complicated, but we wanted one that can perfectly match our vision. So, in our portfolio, the vampire is on a date walking down a trail. More specifically, a deserted trail kind of like in a forest-like area. The entirety of our scenes would be in this setting, so that's a positive! However, searching for nearby parks that correctly match our vision is going to be a challenge. Nonetheless, we have reached an agreement...sort of! Let's take a look!

#1. Markham Park, Sunrise, FL.

Instantly, when I thought of the idea, I thought of this park. Markham is full of plantation and trails. This location has numerous opportunities for filming, like how the trails are not so crowded, how quiet it is, and how we can capture the sky through the trees. Yes, that last one was oddly specific, but I think that aspect will be helpful as well. Now, everything about this is great, except it closes at 6:00 PM. Yeah, that blows! Juliana and I were so disappointed finding this out. In fact, we almost scratched the whole forest idea. We had envisioned to shoot the whole film opening here, but, as you know from the script, we need it to be sunset, and nighttime. Unfortunately, we are only able to shoot here for the sundown scenes. Do not fear: Juliana and I have found a solution.

#2. Peace Mound Park, Weston, FL.

 This park is our compromise. Since we cannot film our nighttime scenes at Markham, Peace Mound it is! However, there are some technical challenges shooting at two different places. The main issue Juliana and I will face is making the switch unnoticeable. What I mean by that is the transition from park to park. It should not be hard since the transition scene would be from a close up of the man's face from light to dark. Unfortunately, we will just have to wait and see. I am not losing hope though. Peace Mound Park still has trees like Markham, just not as many. I mean, at least this one closes at 9:00 PM! Also, we changed the scene of the ending because of this flaw. In this park, they have a bridge. So, in the end, instead of Veronica sitting by a tree, she will be looking off of the bridge. I know, such a smart change! I also think it will look more elegant, as she wouldn't be facing the camera but she would be facing the moon. This whole scene just screams elegant, and that is very helpful as the audience would be unaware of the haunting turn the scene will take. 

I am so excited to start filming next week! It will be very interesting to see how the final product will turn out😁! Hasta la vista, blog!

 Photo of Markham ParkWelcome to Markham Park in Broward County, FL - Markham Park. (2024b, October 18). Markham Park.
 Photo of Peace Mound ParkTripadvisor. (n.d.). Peace Mound Park (2025) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Reviews)

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Audio? Like Sound?

  Hey blog!

Sorry for the odd title, I couldn't think of anything elseπŸ˜….

Our topic of discussion, if you couldn't tell, is audio. Fun fact: did you know that the only real organic sound recorded in film and shows is the dialogue? Yep! The sound doors slamming and cars starting is all fake! They are made as a result of foley sounds. We will get into that later...

Why is sound so important? Well, there are a number of reasons! 

 Sound can...

1. Add dimension.

2. Affect emotional impact.

3. Convey a character's personality.

4. Compliment visuals.

5. Sway a viewer's perception.

6. Provide a sense of realism

 (Yes, these are all from my notes)

Anyways, let's focus on a new question; what audio elements am I focusing on for my film opening? I am going to focus on the sting and foley sounds.

Let's break these two terms down.

Starting off, the sting. A sting is a burst of music. It serves as a punctuation in a scene. Stings are seen in literally every single horror movie. They are all seen either when the title is shown or when a suspenseful thrilling act is happening. Let's take a look.

 Skip to the time 1:43 in the video, please.                        

As you probably saw, or heard, the loud burst of music. The sound comes in when the audience is least expecting, which can catch the viewer off guard and surprise them. This creates a jump scare. I am going to utilize this sound technique in my film opening when the vampire turns around and her face is disfigured. I wish to use this to add more of a frightening and surprising effect in my film opening.

Finally, the moment you have all been waiting for...Foley sounds!
I know, it probably blew your mind that simple sounds you hear every day are made inorganically in film. Well, it is not required for productions to do this, but they do it to put the extra oomph in the scenes. 
How are these intricate sounds produced? Let's take a look in this video.

In the video, we can observe that objects not relating to the sound one is trying to mimic can be used to produce the sound. Also, you can layer the sounds for a better effect😜.

Foley sounds were invented by Jack Foley, and they have revolutionized theatre. I am planning to utilize this technique in my film opening by making a space in my garage with needed elements to produce sounds such as footsteps, eating sounds, and thuds. 

Bon voyage, blog!

 Realism DefinitionHeckmann, C. (2021, August 29). What is Realism in Film? Cinematic Realism Explained – StudioBinder
 Insidious ClipInsidious (2010) - The Red-Faced Demon Scene | Movieclips
 Jump Scare Definitionjump scare. (2025). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary
 Foley Sounds VideoGreat Big Story. (2017, January 12). The magic of making sound [Video]. YouTube.
 Jack FoleyThe story of Jack Foley. (n.d.).

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mise-en-what now? Part 2..

  Hey blog!

Yet again, I will be discussing one mise-en-scene element! Hopefully, you still remember what mise-en-scene is. If you don't, it's okay. In short, it is everything visual you see on the big screen. The element I wish to discuss today is costumes. Why are costumes so detrimental in film and TV shows? We don't realize it, but costumes represent a character's personality, social status, or even emotion. The main way these are portrayed is through colors. Yes, you read that right; colors. 

I never knew colors could have meaning, but here we are. As shown in the image, different colors can represent feelings and even the role they play in society. Blue can be a sign of power and intelligence, while neutral colors like white and brown can show an aspect of poverty.

Let's take a look at an example.

As shown, the character, in the first half, is wearing generally bright clothing. He is also surrounded by  a bright blue sky. However, in the second half, he is wearing dark colors and is surrounded by a dull sky. Can you see the change of spirit through the two halves?

Now, let's move onto the actual design of a costume. A character's background can be shown by the clothing they wear. Whether it's representing culture, beliefs, or values, all can be shown through designs.

One great example of culture being shown through costuming is this image from the Netflix show Never Have I Ever. In some episodes, you see her Indian heritage shown through clothing such as this.

Here is a good example of values in clothing. Here is Kat from the HBO original, Euphoria. As you can see, she has a rebellious outfit on, which fits in quite well with her character in the show. The design and color scheme show off her persona.

Overall, costumes have more responsibility than just to make a character look visually appealing. 

Farewell for now, blog.


Color ChartMeanings of colors. (2015, February 19). AstaPasta.

Image Color ContrastRedirect notice. (n.d.).

Never Have I Ever ImageCharuza, N. (2020, May 22). An Indian fashion editor on Devi’s Sari in Never Have I Ever. Popsugar

Image of Kat from EuphoriaMorin, A. (2022, August 25). Relive Barbie Ferreira’s most iconic euphoria looks. E! Online

Friday, February 21, 2025

Character Development.

  Hey blog!

Today the topic of discussion is character development! What is "character development?" Well, it basically introduces a character's personality throughout a film, a book, etc! What I mean is what an audience's perspective of a character is and how it may change. Time to dig a little deeper...

I want to focus on one of my character's in my film opening, Benji(AKA Benjamin). If you read my script, you would pick up on the fact that he is a cocky, stuck-up man. But, why did I make him this way? I wanted to contradict the stereotype of women being deceived. So, I made Benji easily swayed. Why did I pick the name Benji, you may ask? Uhm, I don't really know. It was the first name that popped into my mind. I just knew that I took inspiration from a character from the Netflix show You. The character I based it on is, ironically, named Benji. In the show, he is a rich conceited man. Eventually, you see his desperation for approval, and that he is a failure. This is a great example of character development. This is exactly what I wish to portray in my opening. 

What is my vision for Benji? I have created a mood board on Canva to sort-of show him through select images and colors! 

As you can see, there are a lot of neutral colors. I put these intentionally to really get across that he is a neutral, innocent character. I also included a ton of images of "luxury" items to get across that he is a rich conceited man. 

Overall, I hope to showcase his sudden change of character in my film opening. 

Bye, blog!


Character Development DefinitionIntelliminds. (2024, July 2). What is Character Development: A Simple Guide. Greenlight Coverage.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Mise-en-what now?

  Hey blog!

Today I will be discussing one mise-en-scene element. You may be asking yourself, what is mise-en-scene? Mise-en-scene is a French term for "stage setting." From lighting, costuming, and even the setting in a scene. Everything that is seen in front of the camera is mise-en-scene. Pretty cool, right? Anyway, one element of mise-en-scene that I would like to review is lighting.

You may be asking yourself, why is lighting so important? Lighting offers an alternative way to extend meaning or a mood to the audience. However, most of the time lighting is just used to guide the audience to a highlighted point. It absolutely blows my mind that lighting holds the ability to shift an audience's perspective. The lighting can create suspense, and fright. I wish to utilize this aspect of lighting in my film opening, as my genre is horror. Here is a cool video that illustrates how using different lights in a variety of scenes impacts the audience: 

Next, I would like to talk about different lighting techniques. I'll start with three point lighting.

Three point lighting utilizes three lights being used simultaneously to achieve a realistic lighting scheme. For instance, using back lighting can highlight the object and separate it from the background, for the better or worse. Back lighting can be used to show a sunset lighting up a young girl's surrounding, it can also be used to hide someone's identity after doing something bad. So, you see that lighting can be used in a variety of ways. 

The last point of this discussion will be High Key and Low Key Lighting.

In the image, there is an obvious difference. One suggests a light, happy mood while the other has a dark, suspenseful tone. High key lighting is a fill light that suggests an ethereal theme in the scene. This lighting technique is most commonly seen in hopeful parts of movies. Now let's talk about Low Key lighting. This technique uses little fill light which creates shadows and a strong contrast between a subject and its background. This craft is most commonly shown in horror and suspenseful films. I would like to demonstrate this procedure in my film opening.

I feel that we have learned a lot in this blog post. Who knew that lighting was so important in film? 

Until next time, blog!


Mise-en-scene Definitionmise-en-scΓ¨ne. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Video of Lighting in Film: BBP Reel Insights. (2024, March 5). UNDERSTANDING HOW LIGHTING AFFECTS MOOD IN FILM [Video]. YouTube.

3 Point Lighting Image:  Marks-Hook, M. (2022, August 11). How to master the Three-Point lighting setup and lighting techniques. Greene Center | University of Rochester.

High Key and Low Key Lighting Image: VanWormer, M., & VanWormer, M. (2024, October 13). What is High Key Lighting? [Complete Guide]. Video Collective.





Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Script..!

  Hey blog!

I can't believe how fast the production process is moving but here we are! I'm so glad I get to document this journey with you! Anyways, I have some great news to share. Juliana and I have finally settled on a script we feel appropriately conveys our storyline. We both have had many conversations about what we both wish to include in our portfolio. Finally, the script is finished and our storyboard is being made! 

Let's take a look!

In this script, my partner and I wished to really incorporate the character's personalities. For instance, we both wanted the villain's first victim, Benji, to be stuck up and cocky to flip gender roles in typical horror movies. Moving on to our leading lady, Veronica. When I initially was thinking of a film idea, creating a Jennifer's Body kind of movie was an immediate thought. I envisioned my main antagonist to be like Jennifer. She would be seductive, graceful, and most of all, deceiving. Juliana and I wanted to illustrate these persona's thoroughly and we feel we have done that.

Until next time, blog. πŸ˜‰πŸ©ΈπŸ¦‡

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Media Theories!

  Hey blog!

For this blog post I have to discuss a media theory I would integrate with my film opening. I haven't discussed the term "media theory" in quite a while so I'm glad I get to refresh my memory! For those who do not know, a media theory is basically an idea that discusses how media affects it audiences. For example, a film can influence the way someone views the world for the better or worse. Speaking of ways a film can influence someone's perspectives, let's review the media theory I shall use in my project!

As you know, the main antagonist of my film is a woman. In today's society, women are not looked at as big threats. This gender stereotyping is common in our society as anyone can be a dangerous being. In my film, the typical damsel in distress ploy would be completely defied. Instead, the gender roles would be flipped. The Cultivation Theory, founded by George Gerbner , exemplifies that an audience is influenced by the media they consume. My film opening would integrate this theory by drawing attention to gender stereotypes. What I mean by this is that not only one gender should be looked at as "threatening." Yes, many studies do show that men, in particular, do have certain tendencies that women usually do not. However, there are bad people everywhere, and no one should never expect a certain behavior out of a specific person.

Image: Redirect notice. (n.d.).

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

My First Group Meeting!

  Hey blog!

On Monday, February 10, I had my first group meeting regarding my portfolio project! I can't believe how fast time is moving. Anyway, let's talk about my meeting!

I got grouped up with about 4 other students, and we all discussed our project genres, and ideas for the film opening. I was very impressed by my peers and their ideas. One girl wants to incorporate CGI in her film opening. Looks like I need to step up my game, LOL. To more effectively give critiques, we all shared our blog websites and gave each other critiques. We also reviewed everybody's general plot for their movie, and, let me tell you, no one hold back their opinions. Everyone gave each person a truly helpful critique. I was so impressed by candor everyone was. I am so grateful I got such a passionate group because now I feel like I know how to better my film opening. 

All in all, I am looking forward to the next group meeting when everyone has more progress done with their film openings.

Monday, February 10, 2025

What Is The End Goal??!

  Hey blog! Long time no see!

I can finally tell you my idea for my film opening. You already know it's about vampires, but what is my whole idea? Well, lets see.πŸ¦‡

My film opening is based on the whole idea of this female vampire luring in a man for her kill. Of course, it's the stereotypical vampire kills human idea, but it goes even deeper. It is revealed that she needs to drink blood in order to stay "beautiful." This is what is going to make or break my whole film idea. If i cannot nail the ugly deformed look of the vampire, this whole operation goes out of the window! So, my partner and I have a ton of weight on our shoulders. However, we can meet this expectation by doing tons of research on how to apply the makeup properly.

This is a great example of special effects makeup. This is kind of what I want the vampire to look like when she is "ugly." Yes, it is very advanced, but if I could get the rippled skin effect, my idea would come to life!

 Another challenge is the how she turns back to beautiful. I have created this very complicated idea of the vampire with blood all over her face, then she wipes it away and is revealed to be beautiful again. If I am being honest, I'm not very sure if I can execute this like how I envision it in my mind. Worst scenario, she just comes back on frame beautiful. Not a big deal, but I am so committed to my idea. Hopefully, my partner and I will be able to get this across to the audience successfully. 

So, now the secret is out! 

Any thoughts? Ideas? Critiques?πŸ˜…

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Post Of My Choice!

   Hey blog!

Today, I get to research what ever I want...sort of!

I have chosen to research target audience regarding my portfolio. Let's begin!

It has always been so interesting to me that most guys aren't fans of vampire films. So, I took it upon myself to interview some people to reassure it. Let's take a look.
This video showcases an interview from a teacher at Cypress Bay Highschool.

This video showcases an interview from a Mother. (My Mother!)
This video showcases an interview from a hair stylist.
This video showcases an interview from a teenage boy.
This video showcases an interview from a teenage girl.

As you can see, I interviewed a variety of people. The age ranged from 55-16.
From what I have collected from these videos, and more research online, the main target audience for vampire films and shows IS women. From the physical attraction to the underlying mystery, vampire films zone in on possible fantasy's that girls may have. However, this is really only effective with a male vampire. My film opening would showcase a female vampire. There is no doubt in my mind that many may find a female vampire seductive and overall more mysterious. It is not very common to create a whole film based on a female vampire, so, I am glad my partner and I took on that challenge.

What I also thought was interesting was the fact that males are more into comedy than horror. Vise versa for females. This really shapes target audiences for various films, such as mine. I asked the interviewees about their preference regarding two genres. Both of these genres were one's I was considering doing for my film opening. 

Based on all of the research, my film would be very popular with women. Especially young adults, and millennials.

I Didn't Know Credits Were Such a Big Deal!

   Hey Blog!

It has come to my attention that providing proper credit sequences in my film opening is vital to my success. You know what that means; more research! Let's get to it!

I will be using the same films as my most recent research.πŸ˜™

First up is Smile.

In this video, the credits are all displayed in the same color; red. Throughout the film, the color, red, is seen in a multitude of things. This color represents evil, and danger. So, having the credits all in this color add on to this factor. Moving on, the first credit is the company. Obviously, my film opening won't have this, but it will have the producer, director, etc. There is really nothing unique about this opening, but the transition to the movie title is very well done. It displays a zoom in to a woman's eye and it transitions to the title. Overall, what I noticed is the style of the credits is not random, it keeps the theme of the movie consistent.

Now, let's talk about Longlegs. Please only pay attention to the credits!

 What makes these credits unique is that they aren't shown on screen along with an ongoing scene, they are shown on a tiny red screen. This correlates with the rest of the film because this color appears constantly throughout the film. On another note, the color red symbolizes, in this movie, blood, evil, anger, and mystery. Again, this is another case where the style of the credits are on theme with the rest of the movie. Adding on, the first credits are all of the institutions who helped make the movie. I find this interesting as many films are doing this. I've learned that this is to give proper acknowledgement to the companies who helped fund and make the movie possible. All in all, this is definitely a rare occurrence regarding the way the credits were displayed.

 Finally, let's discuss Nosferatu. It feels like I have talked way too much about this film!😹
This is an image of the title shown in the beginning of the movie.
 Interestingly enough, the only credit in the opening is the film title. It appears after a transition from a camera tilt seemingly going into the ground. Again, the style of the text is relating to the context of the film. The font is to show the film is not set in modern times.
This is an image of the credits displayed at the end. Unlike my film opening, there will not be a plethora of credits like this movie.
However, I have to give them credit because it did stick to the black and white style like the beginning movie title. Overall, these credits aren't achieving anything new, but they did relate to each other by sticking with the same technique.

  So, what I've really taken away from this research and analysis is that the credits must relate to the context of the film, and resonate with the theme of the film. 

Until next time, blog! 

Second Group Meeting!

  Hey Blog! Long time no see! Today, we just had our second group meeting, and I have received so much positive feedback regarding my film o...